Friday, October 10, 2008

The JSMS blog has been moved

We've just moved the JSMS blog over to This is mainly due to it having better features than blogspot. Check it out in future:

JSMS Weblog

Thursday, October 2, 2008

JSMS Wikipedia Entry

Keith has been busy promoting JSMS by creating a new Wikipedia entry. 

Check out the article here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

JSMS 4.0.8 released

JSMS version 4.0.8 has been released into the wild. 

Here's what we've added:

- Mac users will now have the toolbar on the top of the
screen giving the app a more native feel (restart JSMS AFTER upgrading to see this).

- Added 'Clear history...' function to the History menu.

- In the Phone Book you can now delete multiple contacts
at once.

- In the Phone Book you can now remove multiple contacts
from a group at once.

- When sending to a group, you will now not see the 'test'
dialog that previously was shown for each recipient.

- Fixed bug where history function was not functioning
correctly when sending to groups.

- Reverse history.

Get the new version now.
